Thursday, May 29, 2008

hummingbird wars

I had no idea hummingbirds were so territorial!! We have about a dozen hummingbirds zooming around our feeders throughout the day. It is not uncommon to see all four perches occupied with thirsty birds with 1-2 extra birds trying to take over or share a perch and then within moments a more aggressive bird will drive them all away.. We actually bought a second feeder to help decrease the battles. They are such fierce little creatures. They dive bomb each other, chirp, flap their wings in warning and hover/stand guard over "their" area!! It is a riot!! We are curious about the different breeds (obvious differences in size, color patterns and markings).

We are going to purchase a "bird book" to help identify our local aviary population. Aside from hummingbirds, we also have several robins, blue jays, blue birds, large and small hawks, owls, geese, several woodpeckers, swallows, various small birds and of course magpies!! We also had a bat resting the the side of the house last week-very cool! We are also discussing building nests/homes for the swallows and bats. We'll take all the free insect control we can :)

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