Sunday, November 4, 2007

Colds, wiring and Auri driving to church!!!

(added by sara)
Well, the past couple of weeks have been cold on many levels. I started it off by catching a cold. Jan became sick about a week later. Jamie has been coughing, but denies being sick..."I'm not sick, I have to go to school!" Auri has been so busy she is rarely home and hasn't had a chance to get sick ;). Jan and I are doing much better, but it seems to be just hanging on... The weather is also getting colder. The leaves are falling. The horses are getting fuzzy. Still no snow, but I guess winter is on it's way!

The electrician has been out working on our house for the last week :) As we were already aware, we have some crazy wiring in this place...some of it unsafe, some of it just a nuisance. We will be getting a new utility pole from our electric co-op as our old pole is rotted out at the base. We will also be getting a new utility box (updated to this century :) which will make using our electric outside much easier and safer (ie to hot wire the fence or run electric equipment like the horse water heater).

Auri is doing well. Volleyball season is over. YEAH!!! She missed several Annie practices, but has learned her parts and choreography and should be ready for the show at the end of the month. She is adjusting to the harder curriculum in this small town school and her grades are returning to expected levels. I expect she will do even better next quarter. She aced her written driving exam and now has her driving permit. She is doing quite well and is enjoying driving with her classmates and teacher. She is not enjoying driving our car...which is a stick shift. I keep reminding her that it is a challenge for everyone who learns to drive a stick shift and that it is a valuable skill to have. She has decided to start attending the LDS church and it's related activities including seminary every morning before school. She started church today and will start seminary tomorrow.

Jamie has had 1-2 headaches in the last couple of weeks. I will dedicate a new post to update you on his current medical status. The 1st quarter is over for school. He pulled up many grades, but not all. This was partly do to some behavior problems which I will expound upon in the next post and partly of course due to the harder curriculum.

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